Low-Waste, Low-Cost, Vegan "Fiver" Birthday Party for Kids!

I love hosting and celebrating but I also find the traditional style kids’ birthday party to be overwhelming. Here are a few ideas to keep things low-waste, low-cost, low-key, and of course, vegan.

Birthday Cake Baking

  • Throw a Fiver! - I threw a “fiver” party with the theme “$5 for me, $5 in need.” Instead of presents, I asked our guests to gift my son $5 for him and $5 for us to donate to a charity that he choses. I love this theme for so many reasons. It saves us from being inundated by dozens of toys. It allows my son to chose one perfect gift that he really cherishes. It puts the emphasis on time with friends. It’s lower waste. It emphasizes giving as well as receiving. It avoids potentially getting items that are not vegan. It introduces the concept of money.

  • Presence as a Present - I always encourage guests that their presence is the best gift. Spending time together is more important than any physical gift. Whether it be at the birthday party or another day, time together is what we cherish the most.

  • Reusable Items - Be it the table cloth, plates, utensils, napkins or kitchen towels, consider bringing it all. It’s easier than it seems. Pack a reusable bag with all of your gear and throw it all in the wash when you get home. Easy peasy, no waste. If it feels like a big haul, start with just one or two items at this event and see how it goes.

  • Backyard, local park or playground - We are lucky to have a local airport that has a nice park nearby with picnic tables where you can watch the planes. It was free and such a hit. Locally, look for parks, playgrounds, beaches, lakes, gazebos for party locations.

  • DIY Piñata - This one was a huge hit. I used a cardboard box I already had, decorated it with streamers from past party leftovers and filled it with YumEarth Candy because it’s vegan and dye-free. This is not no-waste, but it is a much better alternative to purchasing new.

  • Already Own - What do you already own that could be fun at a party? A parachute? A scavenger hunt game? Chalk? A roll of craft paper and paint or markers? Kids love these things. With a fun set up or theme, they can just become the “birthday edition”.

  • Buy Nothing Groups - If you’re in search of something new, consider looking on a buy nothing group first, or even a yard sale group. If you can’t get it free, you may be able to get it cheaper and if it’s already been purchased by someone else, that’s one less item being mass produced because you bought it second hand.

  • Vegan Chocolate Cake - Every year, my son requests the most delicious chocolate cake recipe by Nora Cooks.

  • Birthday Balloons - If you do purchase or are gifted balloons, post them up on your local Buy Nothing Group the next day and see if someone local can reuse them! The helium in mylar balloons especially will last a long time!

The perfect site for a low-cost, low-waste birthday party picnic!